Tag Archives: business



It’s been a while since their was such a collective of aresholes as the sphincters at thesunmedicsonline.
These turds proport to supply legal pharmaceuaticals (+ the illegal ones that are shown on their main page) via places such as exportersindia.com and alibaba (the home of the original 4,040 thieves)  They have more fake stores, business locations and phoney products than they do email adresses, with the one thread in common: if you could get close enough to smell them, they would all reek like a dog’s arse.
The only thing that these log wallopers really ever supply, once paid, is STD’s to their town’s stray dogs.
Look out for them online under names such as: Edgewood Medics, UK CVVDA, Moore King Pharmacy, CVS Pharmacy, MedicshealthPharma, etc. etc. etc.
Obviously, if you require pharmaceuticals, forget trying to save money online, just swing by your local Chemist, you can see who you are dealing with and will get what you paid for,  rather than risking losing your hard earned to people with dog shit on their teeth and ring worm on their knobs.
Unfortunately, the submitter of this report is still working on finding pictures so that the world can put a face to their many names, until then if you need further reference just head out to the kennel and lift up Dozer’s tail. This is the calibre of arsehole we are talking about!